172 PIET MONDRIAN, after, serigraphy, monogram signed and dated 30 in the print / PIET MONDRIAN, efter, seriegrafi, monogramsignerad och daterad 30 i trycket.

  • 950a_sm.jpeg

PIET MONDRIAN, after, "Composition en rouge, bleu et jaune", signed in the plate, Nouveles images editeurs, reproduction serigraphie, printed in France. The original sold for approx. 51 MUSD

/ PIET MONDRIAN, efter, "Composition en rouge, bleu et jaune", signerad i plåten, Nouveles images editeurs, reproduction serigraphie, printed in France. Originalet såld för ca. halv miljard kronor.

  • Skick:New frame and glass / Ny ram o glas
  • Storlek:Frame dimensions 72.5x72.5cm, image area 62x62cm / Rammått 72,5x72,5cm, bildyta 62x62cm




Värdering5 000 - 6 000 SEK
Köparprovision (inkl. moms)20%
Slagavgift (inkl. moms)100 SEK

Mr Piet MONDRIAN (1872-1944)

I kategori Art
Piet Mondrian was a Dutch painter who was born on March 7, 1872, in Amersfoort, Netherlands. He was an important leader in the development of modern abstract art and a major exponent of the Dutch abstract art movement known as De Stijl (“The Style”). He is best known for taking key strides in the field of Cubism, an avant-garde artistic style which originated in France at the beginning of the twentieth century. His father was certified to teach drawing and his uncle was a painter. They encouraged Mondrian to create art from an early age. He died on February 1, 1944, in New York City.

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